srijeda, 28. ožujka 2012.

11 (e-l-e-v-e-n) new manicures :)

As you all know I couldn't show you my nails for a long time (not counting manicures I did for the reviews). Today that post is finally here :D Prepare for 11 (yes, eleven) manicures I wore in a past month :) I left the pictures of my new nail polishes for next post since I already have too much pictures to upload this time :)
Kao što same znate nisam vam mogla pokazati svoje nokte dugo vremena (ne računajući manikure koje sam uradila za recenzije). Danas je taj post konačno ovdje :D Pripremite se za 11 (da, jedanaest) manikura koje sam nosila u zadnjih mjesec dana :) Ostavila sam slike novih lakova za nokte za sljedeći post jer ionako imam previše slika da se učita za ovaj put :)


1. We will start with snowman :) It's really sunny here right now, but back then when I made it, it was all white, covered with snow :) I started with sponging (used silver Chinese noname nail polish), then added white dots (with Care romeis 58), made snowmen (with the same nail polish) and then decided to use my ring finger for a decorated pine tree.
1. Počećemo sa Snješkom :) Ovdje je stvarno sunčano sad, ali onda kada sam ga pravila sve je bilo bijelo, pokriveno snijegom :) Počela sam sa spužvanjem (koristila srebrni kineski bezimeni lak), onda dodala bijele tačke (sa Care romeis 58), napravila 4 Snješka (sa istim lakom) i onda odlučila da iskoristim prstenjak za okićeni bor.


2. I wanted something simple :) Black nail polish (Golden rose 287) and blue one with glitters (two way nail art pen from eBay).
2. Htjela sam nešto jednostavno :) Crni lak za nokte (Golden rose 287) i plavi sa šljokicama (two way nail art pen sa eBay-a).


3. Essence - You're the one (Color&go). Had some difficulties capturing the realistic color of this nail polish, it's something between bright coral and pink.. I added some stickers to it.. First picture taken inside of the house, on the daylight, second one with the flash..
3. Essence - You're the one (Color&go). Imala sam malih poteškoća da uslikam realnu boju ovog laka, nekako je između svijetle koraljne i roze.. Dodala sam mu neke naljepnice. Prva slika uslikana u kući, na dnevnoj svjetlosti, druga sa blicem..


4. Once "Welcome to Las Vegas" aka Dance top coat (from Essence - Remix your style LE) came out I knew I had to have it :) There wasn't any other way I can get flakies join my stash so I desperately wanted this one.. I checked all Essence selling places here, couldn't find it, sent an e-mail to the Essence asking is there any chance they deliver some overhere, no reply, I even signed in several giveaways trying to win one, but no luck for me.. So I tried to forget it but somehow what ever blog I looked I saw it :) One day I was going with my sister to a marketplace and on a way there I saw a lady selling some Astor nail polishes, and guess what - she had few with flakies ^^ I didn't know Astor has any (later I tried to find it online and couldn't either), and they were all half empty (or half full :D) but I didn't even think, bought it that same second :) (paid 2 KM / 1€ / 1,3$ for it). Just look at that gorgeousness :D I added Tree time sticker (from Essence - Natventurista collection) to my ring finger. Just as the previous stickers from Essence this one sucks too.. The base color is Catrice - Miracle heaven (Enter Wonderland collcetion). 
p.s. I found and bought brand new Dance top coat few weeks after for the same price, now I have both lol :D
4. Kada je "Welcome to Las Vegas" poznatiji kao Dance top coat (iz Essence - Remix your style LE) izašao znala sam da ga moram imati :) Nije bilo nikakvog drugog načina da se flejkiji pridruže mojoj kolekciji pa sam očajnički željela ovaj.. Provjerila sam sva Essence prodajna mjesta ovdje, nisam mogla naći, poslala e-mail Essence-u pitajući ima li ikakve šanse da dostave koji ovamo, nema odgovora, čak sam se prijavila i na različite giveaway-e pokušavajući da osvojim jedan, ali nije bilo sreće za mene. Pa sam pokušala da ga zaboravim, ali nekako koji god sam blog pogledala vidjela sam ga :) Jedan dan sam sa sestrom krenula na pijacu i na putu do tamo sam vidjela ženu koja je prodavala neke Astor lakove, i pogodite šta - imala je par sa flejkijima ^^ Nisam znala da ih i Astor ima (kasnije sam pokušala da ih nađem na netu i nisam uspjela ni tamo), i svi su bili poluprazni (ili do pola puni :D) ali nisam ni razmišljala, kupila sam ga iste sekunde :) (platila 2 KM / 1€ / za njega). Samo pogledajte tu divotu :D Dodala sam Tree time naljepnicu (iz Essence - Natventurista kolekcije) na prstenjak. Baš kao i prošle Essence naljepnice i ove su bile bezveze.. Bazna boja je Catrice - Miracle heaven (Enter Wonderland kolekcija).
p.s. Našla sam i kupila potpuno nov Dance top coat par sedmica poslije, za istu cijenu, sad imam oba lol :D


5. Rapsodi - 357 and a lot of dots.
5. Rapsodi - 357 i puno tačkica.


6. Essence (Vampire's love) - The dawn is broken, black stripes and two glitters (Golden rose 288 and Pacific Gabrini 90).
6. Essence (Vampire's love) - The dawn is broken, crne linije i dvoje šljokice (Golden rose 288 i Pacific Gabrini 90).


7. I guess you'll think this one is ugly :D Base color is one coat of It peace (Essence - Urban messages), white dots on it, orange lines over some, Lucky star 002 black crackle, 702 Misslyn white crackle over it (took the cloud idea from Jane)
7. Pretpostavljam  da ćete mislit da je ova ružna :D Bazna boja je jedan sloj It peace (Essence - Urban messages), bijele tačke na njemu, narandžaste linije preko nekih, Lucky star 002 crni crackle, 702 Misslyn bijeli crackle preko njega (uzela oblak ideju od Jane).


8.Prepare for some more dots :D Green one is Rapsodi 338 and the pink one Gabrini Elegant 366.
8.Pripremite se za još tačkica :D Zeleni je Rapsodi 338 a rozi Gabrini Elegant 366


9. Essence - Sundancer (Color&go) + black flowers on it. On the second picture you can see it with my hair :D Before I removed it I added some black dots in between (you can see that on the last picture).
9.Essence - Sundancer (color&go) + crni cvjetići na njemu. Na drugoj slici ga možete vidjeti sa mojom kosom :D Prije nego što sam ga skinula dodala sam crne tačke između (možete to vidjeti na zadnjoj slici).


10.Golden rose 344, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful purple; Stamped some diamonds (BM09) over it with Bloom a loom (Essence - Blossoms etc). Middle and ring finger didn't turn out that well, but I think they are not that bad :)
10.Golden rose 344, lijepa, lijepa, lijepa ljubičasta; Pečatirala dijamante (BM09) preko sa Bloom a loom (Essence - Blossoms etc). Srednji prst i prstenjak nisu ispali baš dobro, ali mislim da nisu toliko loši :)


11.Applause, applause (Essence - Circus circus). My ring finger is "hidden", don't look at it :D It is still yellow from Bootie babe green polish :(
11. Applause, applause (Essence - Circus circus). Prstenjak je "sakriven", ne gledajte ga :D Još uvijek je žut od Bootie babe zelenog laka :(


I am writing this post from the morning, I am so glad I'm done :) See you soon and thanks for reading :)
Pišem ovaj post od jutra, tako mi je drago da sam gotova :) Vidimo se uskoro i hvala što ste čitale :)

petak, 23. ožujka 2012.

Born pretty store - Dried flowers review

Hello, hello, review number 3 coming up :)
As you can guess, I had one more nail mail experience these days :) This package came from Born pretty store and I got 12 different tiny dried flowers, in plastic containers that I can reuse for glitters once I'm done with flowers :)
Helou, helou, rezenzija broj 3 stiže :)
Kao što možete pretpostaviti, imala sam još jedno nail mail iskustvo ovih dana :) Ovaj paketić je došao iz Born pretty store i dobila sam 12 različitih sušenih cvjetića, u plastičnim kutijicama koje mogu koristiti za glittere kada potrošim cvijeće :)

And a picture from BPS:
I slika od BPS:

I was in love ^^ I wanted these for a long time, and now they're mine :) I took Stairway to heaven (from Essence - Remix your style collection), applied two coats and waited untill it dries.
Zaljubila sam se ^^ Već dugo želim ove cvjetiće i sad su moji :) Uzela sam Staitway to heaven (iz Essence - Remix your style kolekcije), nalakirala dva sloja i sačekala da se osuši.

And once it did I took that cute flower :) You get two kind of flowers, bigger and smaller ones, as you can see on the pics.
I kad jeste uzela sam taj slatki cvjetić :) Dobijete dvije vrste cvijeća, veće i manje, kao što možete vidjeti na slikama.

I applied one coat of clear nail polish and then took the flower, left it on the nail, pressed down from all sides, applied top coat and got an amazing look :D See it for yourself :)
Nalakirala sam jedan sloj bezbojnog laka za nokte, uzela cvijet, stavila ga na nokat, pritisnula sa svih strana, nalakirala top coat  dobila nevjerovatan izgled :D Uvjerite se same :)

So, what do you think? :) They looked like they were painted but then again who ever looked it better realized they're actual flowers and thought it was interesting :)
Pa, šta mislite? :) Izgledali su kao da su nacrtani ali opet s druge strane ko god ih je bolje pogledao shvatio je da je to pravo cvijeće i mislili su da je interesantno :)

How can you get them?
Go to the Born pretty store page and order, direct link: HERE.
The price is 7.08$ for 12 containers and the shipping is free, they ship worldwide.. You can also check out their other items, they are offering a lot of things. They were also so generous and offered a code for you and me, and once you use it you get 5% off :) It's valid before Dec 31. The code is 5OFFJ61 and you can always find it on my sidebar:
Kako doći do njih?
Otiđite na stranicu Born pretty store i naručite, direktan link: OVDJE.
Cijena je 7.08$ (10.4 KM, 5,2€) za 12 kutijica a poštarina je besplatna, dostavljaju svugdje.. Takođe možete provjeriti njihove ostale proizvode, nude puno stvari. Takođe su bili jako velikodušni i ponudili su kod za vas i za mene, koji kada iskoristite dobijete 5% popusta :) Važi do 31. decembra. Kod je 5OFFJ61 i uvijek ga možete naći na mom sidebar-u:


The conclusion:
I am very satisified with this flowers. They are cute, not expensive, easy to apply. You won't need much time and you'll get unique and fresh manicure. My recommendation :)
Jako sam zadovoljna sa ovim cvjetićima. Slatki su, nisu skupi, lahko ih je staviti. Neće vam trebati puno vremena a dobićete unikatnu i svježu manikuru. Moje preporuke :)


For more informations about Born pretty store check out their website: HERE, their Fb page: HERE or their blog: HERE.
Za više informacija o Born pretty store provjerite njihovu web stranicu: OVDJE, njihovu Fb stranicu OVDJE ili njihov blog: OVDJE.


Once again, thank you BPS for such a great gift, and thank you all for reading :) Did you order something already from BPS? How do you like these flowers?
Još jednom, hvala BPS na tako lijepom poklonu i hvala vama što čitate :) Da li ste već nešto naručivale sa BPS? Kako vam se sviđa ovo cvijeće?


*These products were sent to me by Born pretty store for a review. All opinions are my own, for more information please read my Disclousure policy.
*Ovi proizvodi su mi poslani od Born pretty store u svrhu recenziranja. Sva mišljenja su moja lično, za više informacija molim pročitajte moju Disclousure policy.

nedjelja, 18. ožujka 2012.

X&D lizard crack pattern nail polish - review and swatches

It has been more then ten days from my last post, PC broken, part 2. They fixed it again and told us his end is near.. I just hope it won't be that soon, there are so many manicures I haven't published :D Few weeks ago, nail mail (again) and I could get used to getting nail polishes and other supplies at home more often :) It was from lovely Florence from Everbella, I got a beautiful purple crackle nail polish (didn't have any in purple color before), pink and clear nail polish.
Prošlo je više od deset dana od mog zadnjeg posta, kompjuter pokvaren, dio drugi. Popravili su ga opet i rekli nam da mu je kraj blizu.. Samo se nadam da neće baš uskoro riknut, imam toliko manikura koje nisam objavila :D Prije par sedmica, nail mail (opet) i mogla bih se naviknuti da dobijam lakove za nokte i ostale stvarčice za nokte kod kuće još češće :) Bio je od divne Florence iz Everbelle, dobila sam lijepi ljubičasti crackle (nisam imala ni jedan u ljubičastoj boji ranije), roze i providni lak za nokte.

They wanted me to do a review of the crackle nail polish; 
Like the title says, it's X&D lizard crack pattern nail polish, BH29 (Purple fruit). You use it like you use all the other crackles :) First you apply base color you choose ( I chose Apropos apricot from Catrice, and added Saffron glitters on it) and then you wait untill it's compiltely dried. After it does you apply a crackle nail polish (thick or thin layer of it, depends on the pattern you'd like).
Htjeli su da im uradim recenziju crackle laka za nokte;
Kao što naslov kaže, to je X&D lizard crack pattern lak za nokte,BH29 (Purple fruit). Koristi se kao što se koriste i ostali pucajući lakovi :) Prvo nalakirate bznu boju koju izaberete (ja sam izabrala Apropos apricot iz Catrice-a, i dodala Saffron glitere na njega) a onda sačekate dok ne bude potpuno suho. Kada bude nanesete crackle lak (debli ili tanji sloj, u zavisnosti od uzorka koji bi htjeli).

And here it comes (I saw some blogger made a crackle hearts so I stole the idea, why keep it simple?):
I evo i njega (Vidjela sam da je neka blogerka napravila crackle srca pa sam ukrala ideju,zašto ostavljati jednostavno?):

I loved it :) Look at the pattern and look at the color..
First of all, it dried in just few seconds, leaving such a bautful cracks.. I never left any crackle without top coat but I had to leave this one matt, since it looked something like there was some plush one my nails.. And the smell.. Well, my first smelly crackle, it is so great, I wish all nail polishes smell like this one :) I have no idea what it smells like, maybe grapes, I'm not sure, but it's really nice :) The formula was perfect, it wasn't too thin or too thick, I applied it very easy, without any difficulties. If I had to say one negative thing about this nail polish I couldn't think of any, from 1-10 this is is 10 , no doubt..
Baš mi se svidio :) Pogledajte uzorak i pogledajte boju..
Prije svega, osušio su u samo par sekundi, ostavljajući tako lijepe pukotine.. Nisam ni jedan crackle do sad ostavila bez top coata ali ovaj sam morala ostaviti mat, jer je izgledalo kao da imam neki pliš na noktima.. A miris.. Pa, moj prvi mirišljavi crackle, tako je super, voljela bih da svi lakovi za nokte mirišu kao ovaj :) Nemam pojma na šta miriše, možda na grožđe, nisam sigurna ali je stvarno fino :) Formula je bila odlična, niti je bio prerijedak niti pregust, jako sam ga lako nanijela, bez ikakvih poteškoća. Kada bih morala navesti jednu negativnu stvar o ovom laku ne bih se mogla sjetiti ni jedne, od 1-10 ovo je 10ka, bez sumnje.

Here are some more great informations :) Everbella is selling this one on their site, but there are more then 30 different colors available if you are not a fan of the purple; The price is more then acceptable, for 4,99 $ you get crackle nail polish, another nail polish and a clear coat; Check out that offer here: LINK
A evo i još sjajnih informacija :) Everbella prodaje ovaj lak na njihovom sajtu, ali dostupno je više od 30 različitih boja ako niste ljubitelj ljubičaste; Cijena je i više nego prihvatljiva, za 4.99$ (7,5 KM / 3.2€) dobijete crackle lak, još jedan lak i providni lak; Pogledajte tu ponudu ovdje: LINK.

And, in case you thought there can't be any more good news - you were wrong :D I have one more :) Florence was so generous and she offered a cuopon for you, my readers, so you get a 10% off when you purchase from them :) You are welcome :P
I, u slučaju da ste pomislile da nema više dobrih vijesti - pogriješile ste :D Imam još jednu :) Florence je bila tako velikodušna i ponudila je kupon za vas, moje čitaoce, tako da dobijate 10% popusta kada naručite od njih :) Nema na čemu :P

As you can see, the code is rdrs4849lpsn
This code is available on my sidebar.
Kao što možete vidjeti, kod je rdrs4849lpsn
Ovaj kod je dostupan i na mom sidebaru.
I sincerely recommend this product, there aren't any negative sides of it imho :)
If you don't like crackles on your nails check out other nail related stuff on Everbella, I am sure you'll find something for yourself :) I would like to thank Florence once again, she really made my day :)
Iskreno preporučujem ovaj proizvod, nema nikakvih loših strana po mom skromnom mišljenju :)
Ako ne volite lakove koji pucaju na vašim noktima provjerite ostale stvari povezane s noktima na Everbelli, sigurna sam da ćete pronaći nešto za sebe :) Još jednom bih se zahvalila Florence, zaista mi je uljepšala dan :)

For more informations about Everbella check out their website: CLICK, or their Fb page: CLICK.
Za više informacija o Everbelli provjerite njihovu web stranicu: KLIK , ili njihovu Fb stranicu: KLIK


 *These products were sent to me by Everbella for a review. All opinions are my own, for more information please read my Disclousure policy.
*Ovi proizvodi su mi poslani od Everbelle u svrhu recenziranja. Sva mišljenja su moja lično, za više informacija molim pročitajte moju Disclousure policy.

utorak, 6. ožujka 2012.

Bootie babe polishes - review and swatches

Woohoo, I'm back :) It's been a while since my last post, and I am really sorry for that. First I had some exams that didn't end that well and after that I did something (have no idea what) to my computer and I couldn't turn it on. Now, after some smart people fixed it I am back in the game :) Today I have a review for you, in the next post another one, and after that I will show you what I did with my nails when I was away and which goodies I bought :) I also need to check out your blogs, to see what I missed..
Woohoo, evo mene nazad :) Prošlo je dosta od mog zadnjeg posta (al se rimuje:D) i stvarno mi je žao zbog toga.. Prvo sam imala neke ispite koji nisu završili tako dobro a nakon toga sam uradila nešto (nemam pojma šta) svom kompjuteru pa ga nisam mogla uopšte upaliti. Sada, nakon što su neki pametni ljudi to popravili ponovo sam u igri :) Danas imam recenziju za vas, u sljedećem postu još jednu, a nakon toga ću vam pokazati šta sam radila sa svojim noktima dok sam bila odsutna i koje sam ljepotane kupila :) Takođe moram pregledati vaše blogove, vidjeti šta sam propustila.

Almost 3 weeks ago I recieved a package from Bootie babe cosmetics. After I opened it there were 4 polishes in the cutest bottles I've ever seen. They are so fun to look, interesting and creative, my family and my friends were amazed too :) In my humble opinion everyone should have some of these, so if you still don't go and order some, the price is 4$ only, and they ship worldwide.
Each polish comes in the box and I think it's great..
Skoro pa prije 3 sedmice primila sam paketić od Bootie babe cosmetics. Nakon što sam ga otvorila unutra su bila 4 laka u najslađim bočicama koje sam ikad vidjela. Tako su zanimljive za gledati, interesantne i kreativne, moja porodica i prijatelji su bili zadivljeni takođe :) Po mom skromnom mišljenju svako bi trebao imati neke od njih, pa ako još uvijek nemate idite i naručite koji, cijena je samo 4$ (6KM ili vam ga 3€), i dostavljaju svugdje. Svaki lak dođe u kutiji i to mi je super.

The names are on the top:
Imena su gore:

And after you open them here is what you get:
A nakon što ih otvorite evo šta dobijete:

And what do you do next? Apply them on your nails, ofcourse :) This is what they look like on my nails:
I šta se dalje radi? Nanesete ih na nokte, ofkors :) Evo kako izgledaju na mojim noktima:

Application was great. It was little strange in the beginnig since the brush is small but I got used to it after few coats.. I forgot to mention that these bottles are really shorter then most of your nail polish bottles. From all those online pics I didn't really get that impression, but once I saw them I couldn't believe there is 9,17 ml in it..  They dried really fast, so a big plus from me for that one. 
-Purp slurp- 2 coats; Dried superfast, left something like matt effect.
-Blue baboo-  4 coats because there was something wrong with that brush, it moved and it wasn't really fixed which is why I had to apply so many coats. If the brush was ok one thick coat would be just fine.
-Bossy mossy- 3 coats. My advice on this one is to apply few coats of basecoat before it since it colored my nail in yellow very very much.
-Electric lemon- 3 coats. This one had a jelly finish. I couldn't really get the full coverage with three coats, had that problem with most my yellows too. You could apply one coat of white nail polish under it and then you don't need much layers.

 Aplikacija je bila super. Na početku je bilo malo čudno jer je četkica mala ali navikla sam se nakon par slojeva. Zaboravila sam spomenuti da su ove bočice stvarno manje od većine vaših bočica za lakove.. Iz svih onih slika koje sam online vidjela nisam stekla takav utisak, ali kada sam ih vidjela uživo nisam mogla vjerovati da u njima ima 9,17 ml. Sušili su se stvarno brzo, tako da veliki plus od mene za to.
-Purp slurp- 2 sloja; Osušio se superbrzo, ostavio nešto poput matt efekta.
-Blue baboo- 4 sloja jer nešto nije bilo uredu sa tom četkicom, mrdala se i nije baš bila fiksirana zbog čega sam morala nalakirati toliko slojeva. Da je četkica bila kako treba jedan deblji sloj bi bio sasvim dovoljan.
-Bossy mossy- 3 sloja. Moj savjet za ovaj je da nalakirate par slojeva basecoata prije njega jer mi je baš puno obojio nokat u žuto.
-Electric lemon- 3 sloja. Ovaj je imao žele finiš. Nisam baš uspjela dobiti punu prekrovenost sa tri sloja, imala sam taj problem sa većinom mojih žutih. Možete nanijeti jedan sloj bijelog laka ispod i onda nećete trebati puno slojeva.

  I added some flowers, the first picture is without topcoat, and the other two are with it.
 Dodala sam neko cvijeće, prva je slika bez top coata, druge dvije sa.


I would highly recommand these polishes, first because of the bottle shape since it is really unique, and then also beacuse of beautiful colors you can choose, fast drying time and acceptable price. I think you will be satisfied, I can honestly say that I am. For more informations about Booie babe cosmetics click HERE for their Facebook page, or HERE for their webisite. Or you can read aout them in my post HERE.
Svakako bih preporučila ove lakove, prvo zbog oblika bočice jer je stvarno jedinstven, a onda takođe i zbog prelijepih boja koje možete izabrati, brzog vremena sušenja i prihvatljive cijene. Mislim da ćete biti zadovoljni, iskreno vam mogu reći da ja jesam. Za više informacija o Bootie babe cosmetics kliknite OVDJE za njihovu Facebook stranicu, ili OVDJE  za njihovu web stranicu. Ili možete čitati o njima u mom postu OVDJE.


 *These products were sent to me by Bootie babe cosmetics for a review. All opinions are my own, for more information please read my Disclousure policy.
*Ovi proizvodi su mi poslani od Bootie babe cosmetics u svrhu recenziranja. Sva mišljenja su moja lično, za više informacija molim pročitajte moju Disclousure policy.
