ponedjeljak, 9. svibnja 2011.

Krenulo me - Moja druga nagrada :)

Mahanje svima :)
Ne znam više u čemu je point, ali vremena sve manje ovih dana.. Nemam kad da prebacim sličice novih noktiju, (tj lakova na noktima, nokti su isti ostali :D), ali uskoro ću i to obaviti :)
Nego, evo i moje druge nagradice, jee :)

Hvala Marijana :*

The Liebster Blog Award is designed for bloggers with less than 300 followers. When you receive this award, you have to link back to the blogger who gave it to you and you have to nominate three other blogs.

Nominujem (zamislite opet muziku sad prvo :D)

Vidimo se uskoro, nadam se (:

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