ponedjeljak, 7. svibnja 2012.

N.Nail The Smurfs water decals (WDHHK140) - review

Water decals were almost on top of my "to buy" list so there is no need to explain how happy I was when I got these from KKcenterhk :) I chose The Smurfs and they came superfast, I think in 7 days..
Vodene naljepnice su bile skoro na vrhu moje liste "za kupiti" pa nema potrebe da vam objašnjavam koliko sam sretna bila kada sam primila ove od KKcenterhk :) Izabrala sam Štrumfove i došli su superbrzo, mislim za 7 dana.

I couldn't wait to try them on.. Too bad there aren't any instructions, and I never used any water decals so I had no idea how to. As always, Google is our firend, I found some guidelines and got busy :) Here is how I did it:
 Jedva sam čekala da ih isprobam.. Nažalost ne dođu sa uputstvom, a ja nisam nikad koristila vodene naljepnice pa nisam znala kako ću.. Kao i uvijek, Google je naš prijatelj, našla sam neke smjernice i bacila se na posao :) Evo kako sam ja to radila:

-Before starting I applied base coat, 2 coats of light blue Manhattan nail polish (no name, just number: 3/AA1504) and waited untill it was dry.
1 & 2.Cut out the decal arround the design you want (I used small scissors);
3.Soak the decal in water for 10-15 seconds; (If it drops to the bottom it is harder to take it out :D)
4.Tako out the decal (I helped myself with tweezers);
5. I am missing a photo here, separate the white part from the Smurf and put the Smurf on your nail;
6. Apply top coat and you are done :)
-Prije nego što sam počela nanijela sam bazni lak, 2 sloja svijetlo plavog Manhattan laka (nema imena, samo broj: 3/AA1504)
1 i 2.Isjecite naljepnicu oko motiva koji želite (ja sam koristila male makazice);
3.Potopite naljepnicu u vodu oko 10-15 sekundi; (Ako padne na dno teško ju je izvaditi :D)
4.Izvadite naljepnicu (ja sam sebi pomogla sa pincetom);
5.Ovdje mi fali slika, odvojite bijeli dio od Štrumfa, pa Štrumfa stavite na nokat;
6.Nanesite top coat i gotove ste :)

And here is how I upgraded them later:
A evo  kako sam ih kasnije nadogradila:

I was in love :D Really :D
It was the cutest and the most perfect mani I did (although I didn't draw Smurfs by myself, but nm)
I am so glad I had such a great experience with water decals, I will deifinitely buy more.. I can only say nice stuff about them.. As I said they came really fast, they are easy to apply (even on the other hand), dry time is 0 so your mani will be done quick, they are very smooth (unlike the stickers) and they don't look like decals but like you draw them :) Amazing feeling, you gotta try it :) You can use it on long and on short nails..
The price is 6,39 $ (arround 5 €) and you can order them HERE (click).
There are also some other great nail stuff on KKcenterhk so be sure to check it out.
They promissed a discount and I will edit my post later to give you a code for it :)
Zaljubila sam se :D Ozbiljno :D
Bila je to najslađa i najsavršenija manikura koju sam uradila (iako Štrumfove nisam crtala sama, ali nema veze).
Baš mi je drago da sam imala tako dobro iskustvo sa vodenim naljepnicama, definitivno ću kupiti još.. Mogu samo reći lijepe stvari i njima.. Kao što sam rekla došle su jako brzo, veoma ih je lako nanijeti (čak i na drugu ruku), vrijeme sušenja je 0 pa će vam manikura biti začas gotova, fino su glatke (za razliku od običnih naljepnica) i ne izgledaju kao naljepnice nego kao da ste ih nacrtali :) Fenomenalan osjećaj, morate probat :) Mogu se koristiti i na dugim i na kratkim noktima..
Cijena je 6,39 $ (oko 5€ / 10 KM) i možete ih naručiti OVDJE (klik).
Ima i drugih super stvari za nokte na KKcenterhk pa obavezno pogledajte.
Obećali su popust pa ću editovati post kasnije da vam dam kod :)


 *These products were sent to me by KKcenterhk for a review. All opinions are my own, for more information please read my Disclousure policy.
*Ovi proizvodi su mi poslani od KKcenterhk u svrhu recenziranja. Sva mišljenja su moja lično, za više informacija molim pročitajte moju Disclousure policy.

