nedjelja, 29. travnja 2012.

29.04.2012. :)

Great title, right? :D
So I didn't like the new blogger look so I came back to the old one and I was great with it.. I am not glad I have to use it now :(
I am still into eBay as you can see (this is my second post in april, shame on me).
Excuse my cuticels and dry skin, I saw it on some pics and was horrified.. I am trying to find Afrodita's cuticle oil but apparently they don't sell one here.. I didn't have these problems earlier, I guess I'm gettig old :D
Divan naslov, jelde? :D
I tako se meni nije sviđao novi izgled bloggera pa sam se vratila na onaj stari i bila sam super s njim. Nije mi drago što ga ipak moram koristit novi sad :(
 Još uvijek visim na eBay-u kao što možete vidjeti (ovo je moj drugi post u aprilu, sram me bilo).
Zanemarite moje kutikule i suhu kožu,  vidjela sam ih na nekim slikama i zgrozila se.. Pokušavam naći Afroditino ulje za kutikule ali ih ne prodaju ovdje izgleda.. Nisam imala ovih problema ranije, haman starim :D

1. Miss Sporty 330 that I  got it from Nail Stories and  some dots on it with Run forest, run (Catrice).
1. Miss Sporty 330 koji sam dobila od Nail Stories i neke tačkice na njemu sa Run forest, run (Catrice).


2. Essence (Colour & go) - Icy princess and black parts with Astor (Fash'n studio) 08;
2. Essence (Colour & go) - Icy princess  crni dijelovi sa Astor (Fash'n studio) 08;


3.I think I took this idea from someone, I just don't know from who :) Base color is Astor - Bark.
3.Mislim da sam ovu ideju uzela od nekog, samo ne znam od koga :) Bazna boja je Astor - Bark.


4.Essence (Legends of the sky) - I wear my flying goggles at night; Used my fan brush to add brown and white color, added black stripes (they are not supposed to be zebra stripes since I want to make zebra print once :D)
4.Essence (Legends of the sky) - I wear my flying goggles at night; Koristila sam četkicu u obliku lepeze da dodam smeđu i bijelu boju, dodala crne linije (nisu zamišljene da budu zebrine linije jer želim napraviti zebra uzorak jednom :D)

(I ordered this oversized ring that Biberlee once suggested, love it (: )
(Naručila sam ovaj preveliki prsten koji je Biberlee jednom predložila, super mi je (: )

5. This idea is taken from  here, I didn't change almost nothing since I thought it's supercute ^^
5.Ova ideja je uzeta odavdje, nisam promijenila skoro pa ništa jer sam mislila da je preslatka ^^


I left out haul pics from this post since I need to update them :) But here are other two instead :)
The cat and rainbows (there were two), took them while photographing my nails :)
Izostavila sam slike haula iz ovog posta jer ih moram  ažurirati :) Ali evo druge dvije umjesto njih :) Mačak i duge (bile su dvije), uslikala sam ih dok sam fotografisala nokte :)


I am going to see what I've missed on your blogs now.
Hope you like Smurfs since my next mani is a smurftastic review :)
Thank you for stoping by :)
Sad idem vidjeti šta sam propustila na vašim blogovima.
Nadam se da volite Štrumfove jer je moja sljedeća manikura štrumfastična rezencija :)
Hvala što ste svratile :)

ponedjeljak, 9. travnja 2012.

Photo inspired manicure

Hey everyone, hope you are all well.
I am glad to see that most of you are still "blogactive" since I can't brag that I am too :D I am now into eBay, hanging there and spending money all day long :shy: I knew about it before too but just recently got my own card and the fun began :)
This manicure is photo inspired, as title says. I saw the photo on the Google and downloaded it, so I can do a similar manicure.
Mahanje svima, nadam se da ste dobro.
Drago mi je vidjeti da je većina vas još uvijek "blogoaktivna" jer se ja ne mogu pohvaliti da sam i sama takva :D Sva sam u Ebay-u, visim tamo i trošim pare :stidni: Znala sam za njega i prije ali sam tek skoro nabavila svoju karticu i zabava je počela :)
Ova manikura je inspirisana fotografijom, kao što sam naslov kaže. Sliku sam vidjela na Google-u i skinula je, da bih mogla napraviti sličnu manikuru.

I left out the clouds since my nails are too short for that. Base color is Essence - Fall for me.
Izostavila sam oblake jer su mi nokti prekratki za toga. Bazna boja je Essence - Fall for me.

 First one on the daylight, second one with the flash.
Prva na dnevnoj svjetlosti, druga sa blicem.

I am really satisfied how this spring nails turned out :) Even the lady in the bank (that I saw for first time in my life) told me they are so cute, creative and bautiful ^^ I was so happy :)
Stvarno sam zadovoljna kako su ovi proljetni nokti ispali :) Čak mi je i teta u banci (koju sam vidjela prvi put u životu) rekla da su tako slatki, kreativni i lijepi ^^ Bila sam baš hepi :)


After this one I tried my version of Ombré manicure :)
Nakon ove isporbala sam svoju verziju Ombré manikure :)

Again first one - daylight, scond one - flash;
Opet prva - dnevna svjetlost, druga - blic.

Colors (from pinky to thumb) - Catrice (Am I blue or green?); Gabrini Elegant 324; Gabrini Elegant MC (M10); Gabrini matt (397) and added TC to it; Essence - Whoom boom (Chacalaca); and the stapming from Bundle monster BM 11.
Boje (od malog prsta do palca) - Catrice (Am I blue or green?); Gabrini Elegant 324; Gabrini Elegant MC (M10); Gabrini matt (397) i dodala mu top coat; Essence - Whoom boom (Chacalaca); i pečatiranje sa Bundle monster BM 11.


My sister liked my mani no.5 from last post and she wanted something similiar. She chose Golden rose 344 as the base color.
Mojoj seki se svidjela manikura br. 5  iz prošlog posta i htjela je nešto slično. Izabrala je Golden rose 344 kao baznu boju: 


And the "tiny" haul for the end :) Thank you for reading :)
I "malecki" haul za kraj :) Hvala što ste čitale :)
